You don’t have to go far to find an AFSer making a difference at home or around the world. That’s because AFS helps young people become engaged global citizens—prepared and committed to bringing people together and helping make the world a better place.

Frequently Asked Questions about the AFS Experience

Following are the answers to frequently asked questions about AFS programs by students.

All students aged between 15 and 17 are eligible to apply for this programme. If you are currently in Form 3, 4 or 5, we will consider your application if we receive the form before the closing date. You do not need to be the best academically as we are looking for people who are able to adapt, are open and willing to share their culture as well as learn a new one.

Eligibility for AFS programmes:

  • Be a citizen of Malaysia–A full time Malaysian student.
  • Be15-17yearsoldat thetimeofapplication.
  • Flexible, tolerant, able to mix well with others, willing to learn and most importantly interested in learning new cultures.

Eligibility for YES (Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange & Study Program)

  • Be a citizen of Malaysia.
  • Be enrolled in Form 3 or other equivalent grade at the time of application. Students with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
  • Applicant’s date of birth must be between January 19, 2006 and January 19, 2009.
  • Have the equivalent of a B average or better.
  • Demonstrated leadership, community involvement in extracurricular activities.

Eligibility for Yayasan Antarabudaya Scholarship:

– Citizen of Malaysia
– Age between 15-17 years old at the time of application
– Interested in learning new cultures, flexible and adaptable
– No failing grades for 3 consecutive years
– Priority will be given to students from B40 families (a family with a household income of RM 4800 and below)

Additional questions

  • Living, learning and making friends in another country helps you connect with a world larger than your own.
  • Studying abroad builds confidence and helps you become more comfortable in new and cross-cultural settings—in your home community or across the world.
  • Learning how to become a global citizen will help you understand, define and take your place in the world.
  • Exchange programs provide practical skills and understanding you need to communicate, collaborate and make friends with people from different cultures and backgrounds.
  • Learning another language or strengthening your language skills allows you to see the world through the eyes of others and experience a new culture in a much more personal way.
  • Staying with a host family will help you appreciate perspectives of other people, as well as their cultures, values and traditions.
  • Joining a global community like AFS helps you embrace differences and realize that our world is stronger and more interesting because of them.
  • You’ll build your academic portfolio and CV/resume and stand out from the crowd when you apply to university.
  • New opportunities that can help you discover your path in life will be opened to you

How can I become an AFSer?

You’ve explored AFS programs details. Now you are ready to apply! Here’s what to expect on your intercultural journey with AFS.

How can I become an AFSer?

The most important decision I have ever made

Going abroad with AFS in 2002-2003 to Seville, Spain, was without a doubt the most important decision I have ever made. It is now 13 years later and that year has shaped my whole life, and the person I am today. In retrospect, I don’t know how I had the guts to do it (at the time, I don’t remember even being nervous!) but cannot imagine how much I would have missed out on if I had not studied abroad. I went to France for another year abroad later, in college, but it didn’t shape my life nearly as much as my high school year abroad.

– Anna Stieg, AFS Student from USA to Spain

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