
Nadia Samsudin

Program & Support Specialist Nadia Samsudin has over 9 years of experience with AFS Malaysia. Having heard about AFS Malaysia from her cousins who went on exchange to Italy and…


Najmin Roslan

Sending Executive Najmin Roslan currently serves as a Sending Executive in our Programs Department. A YES Alumni herself, Najmin first heard about AFS and the YES Program through the Field…


Kuhan Kandiah

Interim National Director International-mindedness has been in Kuhan Kandiah’s life for more than 18 years, starting with his undergraduate studies in Perth, Western Australia. Armed with a Bachelor’s Degree in…


Kautsar Ismail

Head of Finance & Administration Kautsar Ismail has over 30 years of senior-level experience in the International Banking & Finance sector. In her current role as the Head of Finance…

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