
Taking its cue from AFS International’s Strategy & Plan 2018-2022: Repositioning AFS for the Future 2019 sees a lot of innovative ideas and new way of working for AFS.

Letter from Chair & National Director

In March, AFS Malaysia hosted the AFS Asia-Pacific Initiatives (AAI) Meeting in Kuala Lumpur. This Annual meeting sees over 30 delegates from the AFS Partners in the Asia-Pacific met to discuss greater collaboration between the region.

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What we believe in

By linking our “learning to live together” philosophy to the defining global issues facing humanity, AFS fosters intercultural understanding as a powerful and productive tool for building a more just and peaceful world. The AFS global community embraces differences and believes our world is stronger and more interesting because of them.

AFS Mission

To engage Malaysians to embrace our differences and celebrate our commonalities through committed volunteerism for a united Malaysia.

AFS Values

AFS enables people to act as responsible global citizens working for peace and understanding in a diverse world. It acknowledges that peace is a dynamic concept threatened by injustice, inequity, and intolerance.

AFS seeks to affirm faith in the dignity and worth of every human being and of all nations and cultures. It encourages respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms without distinction as to race, sex, language, religion or social status.

AFS activities are based on our core values of dignity, respect for differences, harmony, sensitivity and tolerance.

Keeping our AFS Participants Safe

AFS around the world is committed to protecting the safety of AFS participants. AFS believes that it is always unacceptable for any person to experience abuse of any kind and makes all reasonable efforts to safeguard the welfare and minimize the risk of abuse of all people participating in AFS programs. Staff and volunteers of AFS around the world who become aware of an actual or potential situation of abuse or harm have a duty to promptly address the situation according to AFS policy. They also have a duty report the situation to the local authorities in accordance with local law requirements and any applicable national or local policies and procedures.

Program Overview: Sending

In the year 2019, Yayasan AFS Antarabudaya Malaysia sent 8 students in total to 4 countries – Denmark, Turkey, Italy and Japan.  We are expanding our programs to more countries for Intensive and Very Short Program in the near future and hope to increase the numbers in recruitment in this short program.

Program Overview: Hosting

The hosting number for 2019 totaled 35 participants in all, with 24 school-based (SH19 & NH19) and 11 participants under the 18+ community service program for both SH and NH cycles.  Japan, USA, Italy, France, Spain, Argentina and Hungary are the sending partners for the school-based program and Germany remains as the major sending partner for 18+ community service program.

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“Broadening the perspectives of our next generation of leaders and empowering them to communicate, negotiate and collaborate across differences is mission critical if we want to combat the rising tide of intolerance we see everywhere.”


WhatsApp Image 2020-07-07 at 12.52.57 PM

The AFS Global Citizenship Education Agenda

Training, Learning & Education Overview

AFS prepares and activates global citizens of all ages and backgrounds—and we support a global movement to advance intercultural learning and global citizenship education, especially in schools, university and youth organizations.

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AFS in Malaysia


Malaysian AFSers sent abroad


International AFSers hosted in Malaysia


Active Host Families


Participating schools


Active volunteers

Chapter & Volunteer Development Overview

  • YES Chaperon 2019 in New York, U.S.A. (Jan 2019)
  • YES Alumni & ECA Workshop in Washington DC, U.S.A. (Mar 2019)
  • AAI Outstanding Volunteers Training in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Mar 2019)
  • YES End of Stay Orientation & Workshop in Washington DC, U.S.A. (June 2019)
  • Global Citizenship Workshop, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Sept 2019)
  • AFS Volunteer Exchange in Vadodara, India (Nov 2019)
  • AFS EVA Program in Andana, Turkey (Dec 2019)
  • AFS Educator Program in Mumbai, India (Dec 2019)

Support AFS

Thank you to all our generous donors and sponsors for their commitment to advance intercultural understanding. Your scholarship donations and sponsorships funded many of the events and projects featured in this year’s Annual Report.

When you donate to AFS you become part of a global community of supporters of AFS in our work to connect lives and share cultures. Your donation will help to transform the lives of millions of AFS participants, families, schools and individuals that share a commitment to help build international understanding by helping people from different parts of the world live an intercultural learning experience.


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