An AFS returnee of three Intensive Programs to EGY, JPN & ITA has written a poem dedicated to frontliners.
Dr. Liyu Zin Eu who is now based in a hospital in a remote part of Sarawak, wanted to pay tribute to all his medical colleagues and frontliners who work round the clock to treat Covid19 patients, risking their own lives to keep the public safe:
To every medical professional ever
Why did you decide on this career?
Was it because of the glitz and glamour?
Or you desired a life that is better?
Was it because you’re a good carer?
And your touch is soft and tender?
Do you realize your words and your manner
have such unfathomable power
the ability to transform lives forever?
Look into the mirror
What do you see in your reflection?
I see someone who will persevere
Someone with a gentle demeanor
Someone who is braver and stronger
To all the frontliners
We are fighting invisible usurpers
We have been through hell and returned
Yet we remain undeterred
So have no fear
Have no tremor
We will all get through this together
And emerge more triumphant than ever